The RL556v3 features Polymer80's proprietary polymer composite, a solid core design, flared magwell, and beefier mil-spec buffer tube housing. The pistol grip area features a unique thread less design specific to Polymer80 rifle lowers. The small hole in the inside of the magwell does not affect integrity of part.
80% Polymer AR15 Lower Blank (Mil-spec)
Hex Key
Set Screw
Grip Nut
Grip Screw
Bolt Catch PinShipment Not Available to: California, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Washington
On August 10, 2022, the Superior Court for the District of Columbia ruled that Polymer80 handgun frames, lower receivers, Buy, Build, Shoot kits and any comparable products are illegal to purchase and possess in the District of Columbia under District of Columbia law. Please be advised that different states, localities, and jurisdictions have different laws regarding the types of products sold by Polymer80, and such products may be unlawful in certain places. By using this website, or using or purchasing a Polymer80 product, you affirm that you have verified that you may possess, purchase, and use Polymer80 products under all applicable federal, state, and local laws.
Due to ATF Regulations we cannot carry or sell Jigs to complete 80% Blanks. We recommend reviewing to see if supplemental products are available here. MMC Armory is not associated with this site nor has any ability to speak to warranties, services, or products provided by